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Help turn the tide.
Hauraki Gulf Guardians.


Hidden from view below the surface, the Hauraki Gulf/TÄ«kapa Moana/Te Moananui-a-Toi is rapidly deteriorating. Over the decades, the urbanisation of its catchment area, farming and fishing practices, and climate change, have all taken their toll.

Above image ©Lorna Doogan-EMR (Experiencing Marine Reserves).

Our Vision


Our vision is for a regenerated Hauraki Gulf; resilient to all future challenges.

How? By engaging experts with a wealth of knowledge about the Gulf, partnering with organisations doing the mahi and fundraising to accelerate the Gulf's regeneration, all guided by the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.


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Key Projects


Shellfish Restoration


Revive our Gulf are doing research and development looking into restoring 1000sq km of shellfish beds and reefs, which are important to sediment filtration allowing other species to grow and thrive.


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Regenerating Waterways and Wetlands


Sustainable Business Network's Million Metres Streams project, which is regenerating the Gulfs wetlands and waterways through riparian planting.


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Get Involved


Become a Gulf Guardian


Would you, your family or your classmates like to support the efforts to save the Hauraki Gulf? To become a Gulf Guardian, make a 3-year commitment to the regeneration of the gulf.


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Become a Commercial Partner


Would your company or organisation like to contribute to the efforts to save the Hauraki Gulf? To become a commercial Gulf Guardian, support us with a 3-year commitment.


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